A princípio violinista solo, Andrew Bird juntou-se com a banda Bowl of Fire pra produzir estes três maravilhosos álbuns.
O primeiro, Thrills(1998), lembra muito das antigas orquestras de swing/jazz do começo do século. É um albúm fantástico! Muito mais "clássico" no swing, Thrills nos lembra os grandes nomes dos anos 40, mas ainda sem muita cara de jazz.
O segundo, Oh! The Grandeur!(1999), ainda segue essa linha, mas pra alguma coisa mais próxima do gipsy-swing de Django

Por último, The Swimming Hour(2001) traz tudo de rock e soul que os outros não mostravam. Em muitas das faixas Andrew Bird troca o violino pela guitarra, sempre em boa hora. O disco é perfeito pro mês que estamos, tem um ar de verão e é um perigo pra quem tem uma inclinação a querer largar tudo e cair na estrada. A penúltima faixa é eletrizante, tudo culpa da belíssima bateria.
Initially as a violinist, Andrew Bird joined the band Bowl of Fire, after leaving Squirrel Nut Zippers (that’s why both bands have similar tones), to produce these three wonderful albums.The first album, Thrills (1998), reminds the old swing/jazz orchestras from the beginning of the century. It’s a wonderful album! Thrills, much more to “classic” swing, reminds the greatest swing names from the 40s, but not having a jazz approach.The second album, Oh! The Grandeur (1999), followed the musical characteristics of the 1st album, but having something that comes a little closer to the gypsy-swing of Django Raihardt – all within a heavy atmosphere of cigarette smoke somewhere underground, sometimes happy, sometimes drowning the sorrows.And the third and last album, The Swimming Hour (2001) presents all the rock and soul missing in the other two albums. In some tracks, Andrew Bird shifts from violin to guitar, always in the right time. The album is perfect for this month - it has a summer atmosphere and is dangerous for those willing to leave all behind and go on a trip. The second last track is thrilling, all due to the stunning guitar.
The Bowl of Fire:
Kevin O'Donnell - bateria e percussão (drums and percussion)
Colin Bunn - guitarra (guitar)
John Hirsch - baixo (bass)
Nora O'Connor - vocal

1. Minor Stab
2. Ides of Swing
3. Glass Figurine
4. Pathetique
5. Depression - Pasillo
6. 50 Pieces
7. Woman's Life and Love
8. Swedish Wedding March
9. Eugene
10. Gris-Gris
11. Cock o' the Walk
12. Nuthinduan Waltz
13. Some of these Days

1. Candy Shop
2. Tea and Thorazine
3. Wishing for Contentment
4. Wait
5. The Idiot's Genius
6. Vidalia
7. Beware
8. Dora Goes to Town
9. Feetlips
10. And so...
11. Coney Island Shuffle
12. Respiration
13. (What's Your) Angle?
14. The Confession
15. Beware Reprise
The Swimming Hour

1. Two Way Action
2. Core and Rind
3. Why?
4. 11:11
5. Case in Point
6. Too Long
7. Way Out West
8. Waiting to Talk
9. Fatal Flower Garden
10. Satisfied
11. Headsoak
12. How Indiscreet
13. Dear Old Greenland
Além destes, Andrew Bird gravou mais oito álbuns. Pra quem gostou do que ouviu, aconselho The mysterious production of eggs, solo de 2005.
Besides these albums, Andrew Bird recorded other eight albums. For those who liked, I suggest The mysterious production of eggs, solo from 2005.
ouvindo Premeditando o Breque - São Paulo, São Paulo
listening to Premeditando o Breque
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